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How do I schedule an engine to visit my block party?

The Fire Department is happy to participate, when requested, in all permitted block parties.
A fire engine will visit the block party, and the firefighters will answer questions, demonstrate various pieces of equipment, and open the apparatus for viewing. Please call 630-377-4458 to schedule a date and time. A minimum of 2 weeks noticed if preferred.
Residents should contact the Police Department at (630) 377-4435 first to obtain the proper permit.


Emergency Response

Recovering from a disaster can span a wide range of responses, needs and time, depending on the individual that's been impacted. Here are some resources to assist you in your recovery.

Please use your local emergency management agency for additional unmet needs.

Apartment Complex Officer Program/Coordinator

The Apartment Complex Officer Program has been developed over the years as a cooperative effort between the St. Charles Police Department and several community apartment complexes. Participating complexes sign a contract with the Department that outlines how the two parties will coordinate enforcement efforts of unwanted behavior within the complex, dealing especially with conflict that takes place after normal business hours.

Elder Watch

Elder Watch is a free program that is designed to assist police, fire, and ambulance personnel with information that may be needed to help seniors in a crisis or medical emergency. Citizens aged 60 and over can download the two-page Elder Watch Application Form (PDF - 53k) or pick one up at the Police Department, located at 1515 W. Main Street.

Citizen Police Academy & Youth Police Academy

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a part of the law enforcement profession? The St. Charles Police Department offers an annual Citizen Police Academy every spring. 

The Citizens Police Academy (CPA) is meant to give residents and business owners a better understanding of how the St. Charles Police Department operates.  Participants will get to meet officers face to face and discover what daily life is like for them. Some of the areas covered in the CPA include:

Crime Prevention

We encourage you to take advantage of the information and programs that are offered by the City of St. Charles Police Department. Whether it's by properly using a child's car seat or by registering your family's bicycles, we feel that by taking precautions, citizens can reduce their chances of becoming victims of an accident or a crime.

Home Security Survey

Brush and Yard Waste Collection

Free Bagged Yard Waste

Take advantage of free bagged yard waste pick up the weeks of March 18, March 25, April 1 and April 8, no sticker needed.  Yard waste in bags or rented toter bins from Lakeshore Recycling will be collected on your regular refuse collection day.  Beginning April 15, regular collection begins and a sticker will be needed for yard waste bags. 
